All things sex, love and relationships. It’s where it gets juicy, baby!

Hot Girl Summer Vibes

Hello sweetness!  I hope you’re already loving the incoming vibes… Summer is upon us ☀️ The current cosmic program is taking us from a super flighty (and flirty!) Gemini season, jam-packed with a Gemini stellium, solar flares, auroras (I mean, what?), and, ahem, a grand square to Saturn that has been screaming “boundaries” (balance, right?)… …to a drool-worthy, super emotional and feminine AF…

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Cosmic love, baby: my journey as a lovergirl and channel bringing galactic wisdom for 5D love

Hello, gorgeous ! I hope that Taurus season is treating you well now that Mercury retrograde in Aries is over, eclipse season is well behind us, and the Scorpio full moon, aka the most intense full moon of the year, has emotionally purged us! This past Aries season has notoriously been the worst Aries season in the history of Aries seasons—at…

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Level Up in Love

Hello gorgeous, and happy Valentine’s season! 💖 Ahhh, this time of the year where our email inbox vomits pink heart emojis, where our social media feed is serving us Barbie-core like it’s its job, and where we either feel anxiety building up by the minute in anticipation for V-day (he will remember, right?), or… the biggest FOMO ever (this situationship isn’t gonna do anything for my…

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50 Shades of feminine emotions, part 1

Hello angel, and happy new moon in Capricorn! 🌑 Whew! What an intense one indeed! I don’t know if you’re feeling it too, but it’s hitting me in all the right places, namely in my astrological first house. The effects of a new moon or full moon are usually felt the most a couple of days prior and after its…

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Becoming the Muse: the Shero’s journey

Hello, gorgeous, and happy winter solstice! ❄️ I hope that your winter is warm, soft, and fuzzy in all the right places! As we enter Capricorn season, with Mercury retrograde in full effect, now is the time for deep rest and review of this past cycle around the Sun — that’s when new year resolutions start to creep in, but more importantly,…

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