Highest Self Ecstasy

Highest Self Ecstasy

Hello, beautiful, and happy Virgo season!

I hope you’re having a very chillaxing summer full of sun and siestas, as Mercury just turned retrograde! As the most Googled astrological configuration is upon us, is there a more appropriate cosmic time to take our perfectly pedicured feet off the gas pedal and spread our toes on a beach somewhere? We think not!

See, babe, life can’t always be about doing, doing, doing, and never stopping to smell the roses (and possibly also missing the opportunity to taste the fruits of labor)! Leo Szn had us all revved up for a month, and now we might feel… On the brink of burnout, to put it lightly!

And so, whether you feel this spiritually, emotionally, or physically, it is very likely that you will want to hit the pause button for a while and have a look at what you’ve created for yourself and if it’s aligned with your highest vision. Retrogrades are all about reviewing what we’ve done as opposed to creating, and although that might not feel as sexy as the magic spark of creation or the fire of taking inspired action, it is also a very necessary part of the process of manifestation 🤓

Whatever engine you like to drive, be it a car, a motorcycle, or a jetski, you will, more often than not, need to have a look in the rearview mirror to make sure that nothing is going to be hindering you from moving forward. In the spiritual department, that could equate to taking a look at your life’s overall trajectory and the distance you’ve covered so far and determining if you are indeed headed in the right direction. Which will also mean looking at who you have become and who you are on the brink of becoming. Because the most important component in manifesting your highest timeline is… You!

Yes, you, babe: what you embody, your values, your dreams, the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you carry yourself into the world — all of these are the ultimate testament to your creative power and manifestation abilities. And so, now is the perfect time to not only have a look at what you’ve created for yourself and if you’re the main character of your story, but also to double check if you’re on your highest timeline right now. Or better yet, to bring back this highest timeline to the present!

So now, sit back, relax, spread your toes, and take a moment to pamper your soul with your favorite guided meditation, or better yet, with the latest hypno meditation in The Vault, aptly named Highest Self Ecstasy, for a blissful moment of spiritual self-care 💆‍♀️✨

In this one, we look back at our future, collapse time, and bring our highest future self back into the present moment. Confused? 🤪 Just set an intention to be open to transformation and let my voice be your guide, babe!

On top of the crystal clear, mesmerizing vocals performed by yours truly, Highest Self Ecstasy is a powerful recording jam packed with all the latest techniques and advancements in the audio department: theta waves, binaural beats, the solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz and its multiple harmonics, as well as electronic soundscapes. You’re getting the luxury option here!

And as for the hypnosis itself, you’ll be treated to a thorough induction with full-body relaxation, followed by a revolutionary blend of Humanist hypnosis and spiritual techniques such as channeling and energy work. Think of this as a spa treatment for your soul!

Enough said… I’ll let you slip into something more comfortable and enjoy your me-time with your High Vibe Audio! Cheers to your transformation, babe! 🥂

Oh, by the way, feel free to leave me a comment below and tell me all about your results and channeled visions — there’s nothing that makes me happier than reading back from you! Mwah 💋 


1 Comment

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