It’s funny how full moons can hit you very differently depending on which sign they grace with their presence. As an astrology lover since my younger years, and as someone who has always intuitively followed the cosmic rhythms before it was woke (am I the only one who doesn’t vibe with the Gregorian calendar?), it comes as no surprise that the story of my personal evolution follows a schedule written in the stars. While I never intended to follow the lunar cycles for my business, the lunations just so happen to inspire and prompt my self-reflection writings, which I’m sharing with you today.
As Layla, my Arcturian future self, has said previously (you heard it first on my Instagram stories, in between the jetski videos and virgin strawberry daiquiri pics), when you look at the light of the full moon, what you really see is the light of the sun reflected back to you. And so, the moon, when it’s full, acts like a giant cosmic mirror for your consciousness that allows you to take a good look at your state of being so that you can fix yourself, touch up as needed, and take off the proverbial salad in your teeth.
For eons, people have referred to full moons as times of release and used them as catalysts for healing. If there’s one thing I should know by now, it’s that healing is not only non-linear, but it also doesn’t activate with a single flip of a switch. Contrary to the myths propagated by the online spiritual community, healing is not a one-time event where you heal a wound and then poof, it’s gone. Rather, life will offer you many opportunities to revisit experiences with a higher and higher state of consciousness, allowing you to create and anchor in a different, higher vibrational outcome for yourself. What was once experienced with the pains of the ego frequencies will get the chance to be experienced with more and more acceptance, then peace, and finally, freedom. It’s an upward spiral.
Furthermore, as channeled by yours truly, your energetic approach to any event in your life will define its vibrational outcome for you and you alone. Approach an event with fear, and you’ll get chaos. Approach it with faith, and you’ll get a miracle out of it. It is always up to you to consciously choose the energy you bring to the table. Keyword: consciously.
The societal conditioning that has been running since over 2000 years in the western world has many of us walking totally unconscious of the energy we bring to our own reality. Here’s the thing, babe: if you don’t consciously choose the energy you wish to embody, then you are going to let your external circumstances lead you around. And by external circumstances, I mean what you have already (unconsciously) manifested, as well as other people’s realities in which you are participating—remember, this universe is co-creative in nature.
I will say this: people who manifest better than you are just people who stand firmer in their creative power than you do. Only when you drop the victim stories and realize that nobody’s coming to save you will you finally fully step into your creative power and design your life accordingly.
And so, let’s go back to that full moon in Aquarius. I don’t know if you heard the news, but this time it is squaring its ruler, Uranus, the planet of rebellion, innovation, and revolution. And I know one thing or two about rebellion, innovation, and revolution, because Uranus, which I have conjunct my rising, is my personal chart ruler. Fun fact: I’m regularly mistaken for an Aquarius because I have extremely strong Uranian energy, despite being a Scorpio stellium with a Sagittarius rising (also, I have an air moon in Gemini, which adds to the confusion). And so this full moon wants change, and it wants it now: it’s electric, it’s chaotic, it’s uranic.
And since it also happens to be a super blue moon, you’re then not just being handed a basic mirror, but a state-of-the-art magnifying mirror that is encased with LED lights all around that allows you to see every pore of your skin in great detail and notice, perhaps with great horror, how badly your skin needs TLC.
It has been hitting me personally in my second house of finances and wealth. Ouch.
Not that I was bad with money—on the contrary. I am no stranger to making and receiving big money. And I am no stranger to keep and multiply big money either. You’ve followed my story: you’ve seen me make $40k days like it was no big deal with my previous business. You’ve witnessed me relish the support of billionaire partners and lead a life of endless vacations, from which I don’t need a holiday. And you’ve heard me talk or have read former interviews of me investing big money, too.
But just like you might not think you have a problem with money, “because you own a house”, or “because you earn a salary”, or insert whatever external circumstance you believe makes you feel safe, I didn’t think I had any disempowering beliefs left about money, either. I have been in money mindset coaching containers. I have read the books. I have journaled daily to shift my beliefs and choose new ones to support my new desired reality. I have done a lot of personal work the past year on that topic because I acknowledged the desire in me to become a billionaire one day and to be the steward of massive resources.
And then the full moon happened. And I had my “full moon revelation”: I was still holding vibrations of doubts in this department. Specifically, I was doubting whether my future husband and life partner (a manifestation in progress) would allow me to be a billionaire, as well as possibly the breadwinner and highest earner of us two. The billionaire (and a half) that I was involved with would not have let me “work”. And I had always outgrown my previous partners financially, which had me lose respect and admiration for them, for they could not stay in their masculine power and still provide in other ways; ultimately, the relationship would fall apart. While maintaining a healthy polarity with yours truly as the female breadwinner is a whole conversation for another time (and the work of two people willing to do what it takes), I did see where my personal responsibility lied and where I had previously dropped my power in these dynamics.
I did see where some of my current beliefs were still shaped by my past experiences, when I know full well that our past does not dictate our future—unless we let it. If there’s one thing I know for sure, and something Layla has consistently reiterated in my channelings, it’s that we are powerful creators. And that we can always create anew.
And yet here I was, realizing that I was the one responsible for the frustration, dissatisfaction, and disenchantment I had been feeling. And so, with that newfound clarity, what’s a cosmic channel to do? Ask her future self in Arcturus for a higher perspective, of course! Cue my upcoming new bundle of High Vibe Audios: The Boujee Babe bundle, vol. 2 💰
This volume, a sequel to the first volume of the Boujee Babe bundle, is a next-level collection of high vibrational, channeled affirmations that are highly specific to money and wealth, as well as light language activations to elevate your personal power and emotional intelligence in this department. This time, we don’t just lay the foundations to allow money to come in, stay, and grow in our bank accounts; we turn our power all the way up, as the wealthy woman who has it ALL—the income streams, the successful biz, the masculine providers, the high-level investments, and all the permission slips you never knew you desired. The vibe is Boujee AF, honey! 🥂
I don’t know about you, babe, but I’ll be listening to these on repeat until further notice. Get on the waitlist now to be the first to know when the Boujee Babe bundle vol. 2 drops!
See you inside! Mwah 💋